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14.11.15 – Untertauchen „zur Freiheit“ w/ DASHA RUSH @ Goethebunker [Essen]


Untertauchen zur Freiheit Pt. 3
Sat. 14|11|2015
23:00 | 10€

Techno Room
Dasha Rush (Raster Noton, Fullpanda)
Quartier Midi | Cramp & Mike Rui (Grokenberger Records)
House/Electro Room
Patrick Zausch (Grokenberger, Köln)

INFO Dasha Rush
Dasha Rush is Russian born, but actually she is a citizen of the world. Combining her activities as a techno producer on her own Fullpanda label and dj with multi-artistic collaborations alongside artists and dancers, Dasha Rush brings up a mixture of rather rare techno electronic experimentations, and synthesized sounds more akin to the brief movement of underground music. Roots of such sounds partially go back to the early 20th century and rise to significant Art Movements to this day. Dasha likes to push the boundaries of contemporary dance to the limit, encourages experimentation with various musical (and non musical) forms and assembling into deep, slightly dark, and very emotional artistic way of expression. In her strange and twisted world the machines are the protagonists of a neo-romanticism, weaved with human dreams.



Dasha Rush LP auf Raster Noton

»sleepstep« is the first collaboration between raster-noton and dasha rush. the record’s subtitle »sonar poems for my sleepless friends« describes its underlying concept – »sleepstep« is a trip through electronically alienated micro-compositions and sound collages that, interwoven with text passages, aim at creating a dream-like atmosphere.

the stations of this journey are striving for oblivion of time, an immersion, a drifting in universal states – death, life, birth, grief, desire. the titles often appear to be raw sketches, fugitive, surreal short stories that rather want to break open than execute.

the musical arrangement, in this context, can be described as rather subtle and fragile. though electronically manipulated, no production technique is pushing itself to the fore. and though clichés are not dreaded, »sleepstep«, as a result, stays away from being cliché. the sonar poems for her sleepless friends are feminine, subtle and personal reports. a musical dream journey in the form of a classical concept record – an album that also stands in the tradition of ambient music.

dasha rush is already known as a techno dj and producer. here on »sleepstep«, she celebrates her alter ego.

Untertauchen zur Freiheit
Pt. 3 Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi zählt zu den faszinierendsten Persönlichkeiten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sein gewaltloses Eintreten gegen Diskriminierung in Südafrika und Indien machen ihn zusammen mit seiner daraus resultierenden Lehre zu einem der wichtigsten Vorbilder der Menschheit. Unzählige Menschen – nicht zuletzt den amerikanischen Bürgerrechtler Martin Luther King – hat er inspiriert. Es gehört zu den dunkelsten Kapiteln der Geschichte des Friedensnobelpreises, dass sich das Komitee nicht zur Verleihung des Preises an Gandhi durchringen konnte.

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